Fundada el 2010, Gaoda International Co, Ltd es troba a Yiwu, el major petita ciutat de la matèria de l'món.
The company's main business is import and export agents, market agents, Valet inspection, factory direct procurement, translation services. At the same time, the company cooperates with a number of quality factories through holding or shareholding.
The main products are non-woven bag series, lettering film series, flower pot series, disposable lunch box series, shelf series, and so on.
The company's customers are located all over the world, and the South American market is particularly prominent.

L'empresa s'ha compromès a servir als clients i tenint la satisfacció de client com el seu propòsit.
Continue to provide customers with quality service and competitive products. There are certain patterns in the distribution of factories and products in China.
According to the industrial cluster, industrial supporting, and industrial belt distribution, a certain product is concentrated in a certain area.
This is more efficient and saves costs. For example, for a pair of shoes, you can purchase all the accessories you want in a city in Wenzhou, and then you can assemble a complete pair of shoes.
In Shenzhen, for example, you can buy all the accessories in one stop and assemble them into a mobile phone immediately. Therefore, based on this feature, we can quickly find the products you need and the right factory.
La companyia és l'agent per a l'adquisició de diversos productes a tot el país, els agents d'adquisicions en els diferents mercats professionals i diversos cinturons industrials. Com ara Shenzhen Huaqiangbei mercat de l'electrònica, Guangzhou mercat de roba, de Shaoxing Tela Mercat, Hebei Baigou bosses i bosses, Bicicletes Hebei Xingtai, sabates de cuir de Wenzhou, Quanzhou calçat esportiu, de Foshan Lecong mobles, llençols Linyi, Pneumàtics Qingdao, injecció màquina d'emmotllament de Ningbo, joieria de Yiwu . Ja es tracti d'una compra de gran volum o un petit lot de gabinets.
Ja es tracti d'un majorista o un detallista client final, podem oferir una solució única. L'empresa no només és el seu agent a la Xina, sinó també la seva oficina a la Xina, els seus ulls a la Xina. Benvinguts amics de tots els racons de país per a visitar l'empresa.
We have a professional English and Spanish team, procurement department, warehousing logistics department, quality inspection department, finance department, wind control,etc.